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Seed Sovereignty

Alderville First Nation produces, collects, treats, stores & grows native plant seeds from AFN lands. In order to maintain sovereignty over this seed, AFN does not currently provide seed or native plants to the public. Our plants are produced for ecological restoration projects within AFN or for long-standing partnerships.

We are currently developing a seed-sharing agreement that will outline how AFN shares seed. 

Full Circle Native Plant Production


The Alderville BOS developed the Mitigomin Native Plant Nursery to encapsulate native plant cultivation within Alderville First Nation restoration programs. “Mitigomin” is a Michi Saagiig word which translates to “seed from an oak;” a representation of the relationship between Alderville BOS and MNPN. 

Nursery Services

- Plant production

- Contract growing services

- Seed collection

- Garden consultation and design

- Teaching gardens

Teaching Gardens

We have existing partnerships with local school boards which allow us to produce native plants and install teaching gardens for K-12 programming. Our services include garden consultation (determining theme and appropriate plant species), assisting in planting and installation, and supplying plants. Please note it is the responsibility of the school to determine a summer maintenance plan for their garden. If you are interested in a Teaching Garden for your school, fill out the form below.

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Plant Request Form

Contract Growing Information:

  • Submitting this form does not guarantee plants. Projects are evaluated on a case by case basis and we may be in touch for more information prior to moving forward.

  • We do not sell any seed. We offer contract growing services.

  • Seed sourcing options: The buyer can provide seed or we can include a seed sourcing service in the quote.

  • Our plants are grown to order. Most native Ontario herbaceous plant species take about 3-6 months to grow into a standard plug, depending on species. Orders must be placed at least 4 months prior to desired planting date.

  • We do not sell plants for private home gardens

Are you an Alderville community member?

Please provide project details. Why are you looking for Tallgrass plants? If you have specific species in mind, include them here.

What is your desired planting date?

Seed Sourcing
I need the MNPN to provide seed
I already have seed, looking for germination services

The MNPN offers germination/plant production services to those who have seed but require the infrastructure/space to grow

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